Are you interested in research, a job in government, an international organization or research and strategy department, then it’s a good idea to choose for this 2-year master’s degree programme in economics.

In the current economic context there is clearly a need for developing knowledge on global economic issues, European integration and the interactions between globalisation and regional integration.

Policymakers and managers in firms, governments and international organisations are looking for sound advice on which policies and strategies should be adopted. This creates a strong demand for professionals with a solid training in the economics of global and regional interactions, who have the skills for understanding the complex dynamics of the international economy, and are able to make relevant policy recommendations or to propose strategies that are relevant for the companies or organisations they are working to.

EGEI Five ‘arrows’ for excellence.

Our goal is to create a training environment which leads to excellence. The road to excellence is a combination of five elements:

  • Acquisition of advanced skills in economic analysis, international economics and econometrics;
  • Acquisition of a solid knowledge on the economic mechanisms that are at work in the processes of globalisation and European integration including law and business competences;
  • Exposure to real-world policy making and the development of internationalization strategies of private and public organizations;
  • A personal experience in a global learning/working environment;
  • Transition from training to a qualified entry in the labour market with a qualified internship that matches the professional aspirations of EGEI students. This experience increases employability and may provide direct employment opportunities.

EGEI Diploma

The EGEI Joint Board of Studies (JBS) decides on the graduation of students from the programme based on the rules defined in the Consortium Agreement. Upon successful completion of the programme*, students earn the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Economics of Globalisation and European Integration. The diplomas are awarded jointly by a consortium of seven universities and a leading global think tank. The University of Tartu (Estonia) will award a Double Degree. The Joint Degree is fully recognized in the partners’ Educational System. For instance in Italy, Master EGEI is accredited as a ‘Laurea Magistrale’ (LM 56) giving access, among other career options, to PhD studies.

* In order to obtain the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree EGEI students have to succesfully complete their studies within 4 years since the first enrollment. For students completing their studies after 4 years the regulations of the local university in which they are enrolled will apply; according to these regulations students might still qualify for the local degree (for example, if enrolled at the University of Bari students graduating after four years since start will be awarder the Italian Degree, ‘Laurea Magistrale in Economia e Strategie per i Mercati Internazionali’, international curriculum).

See the testimonials from former EGEI Alumni